Gwyneth Palthrow Plastic Surgery

Gwyneth Palthrow Plastic Surgery -- Open up Her Botox Injection, but Hide Other Surgeries

Gwyneth Palthrow Plastic Surgery
Gwyneth Palthrow Plastic Surgery
The rumors about Gwyneth Paltrow plastic surgery have become a truth since she has admitted that she has Botox injected. She reveals the fact about the employment of cosmetic procedure to construct her youthful look. This American actress and singer will be 43 years old on this 27 September, but she remains very fresh and sexy. Paltrow, who attracted viewers' attention when she portrayed violla De Lesseps in romantic comedy Shakespeare In Love realizes that her body and face are her main asset to stay stunning in Hollywood business where she has earned million dollars, no wonder that she make some improvement on her assets to make them always perfect. Her perfect assets combined with her skill has achieved innumerable recognition throughout her appearances in numerous films and TV series. They are Golden Globe Award, Saturn Award, People Choice Award, Primetime Emmy Award, etc.  However, her perfect look after her confession of botox injection also brings the positive and negative reviews among her fanatics. some people feel that Paltrow is honest talking about her plastic surgery, while many gossipers believe that Gwyneth Paltrow has undergone not only Botox injection, but also other plastic surgeries.

Gwyneth Palthro Plastic Surgery -- She Felt Crazy of Botox Like Joan Rivers

It's not a secret that Gwyneth Paltrow is one of most celebrities that worry so much about being aged. She even tried Botox that is trusted as the best way to eliminate signs of aging like wrinkle and sagging skin. But, following her confession of her relation to Botox ijection, she delivered her regret. In her statement she openly said that Botox made her crazy like Joan Rivers. However, seeing her facial skin after Botox injection, no indication of joan Rivers' look or craziness of botox. It seems Botox works well in eliminate her wrinkles, but it did eliminate her natural smile. She looks a bit unnatural. it might be the reason why she regreted her botox and swore that she would not do it anymore. While she admitted the botox ijection, she seemed to hide other plastic surgeries she had. In an interview with some magazines in 2011, she stated that she might run into breasts job to get revision after breast feeding. So, it's big possibility that she would undergo breasts job. Facing her confession and statement, public actually found some plastic surgeries that have been done by Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwyneth Paltrow before and after surgery pictures that have been uploaded to the media regarding a trending topic after her confession show that she also do nose job, breast job, and eye job. Gwyneth Plathrow after plastic surgery picture obviously shows that she is much different than before surgery.

Gwyneth Palthrow before and after some Plastic Surgeries -- waiting for the second confession

When most celebrities run into breast augmentation, Gwyneth Paltrow seems to do the other way around. She was reported to reduce her cup size. It meant that Gwyneth Paltrow after surgery should have smaller breast than before surgery. The breast reduction seems to occur after breastfeeding. Beside reducing, the procedure also lifted her breasts that result smaller breast but it tighter and lifted. It's clearly showed by the recent photos of Gwyneth Paltrow after surgery. we can see that there is a wide spot for her chest that means that her cup turned into smaller. It's not common surgery for actress but it quite understandable since she had sagging breast cup after breastfeeding. Another opinion about her different cup size on her photos is that Gwyneth Paltrow big breasts are not her original size, but they were bigger due to her pregnancy. So, when they were smaller after breastfeeding, it isn't suprising thing. Moving up from her breast reduction rumor, she is also suspected to do nose jobs. From Gwyneth Paltrow after surgery pictures, her nose change has been caught by the camera as aspect that makes her look different. Her previous nose in Gwyneth Paltrow before plastic surgery pictures appeared bigger if it is compared to the new one, but some gossips implied that her nose job was conducted years before botox shoots. The last speculation circulating among media is Gwyneth Paltrow eyes job. it maybe less obvious, but when we look closer and closer her bright vision seems to be result of plastic surgery. When the baggy skins under eyes are removed, she did show wider and fresher eyes. This is what we think, we do not know the actual facts. Cannot wait for her second confession.

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